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“Amana is more than
a family office; it’s family.”

Our roots flow through our name, reflecting the core elements of what bind a family together – loyalty, honesty and trust.

Although based in Zurich, our passion for managing first generational wealth extends beyond the borders. While we have a global outlook, our heart is particularly drawn to the Sub-Saharan Africa region. We recognise the importance of grasping the unique culture and heritage of the families we serve in these entrepreneurial societies. By doing so, we are able to align our solutions to their specific goals and values.

Wealth management is so much more than numbers and investments; it’s about the people and personalities behind the success.

Allow us to share our expertise and join you on your journey to help preserve and grow your family’s legacy.

Kerstin Engler

Timm Reutter

We provide personalised advice and strategies that, much like a family, evolve over time.

“Timm and I have known each other for quite some time now and we just clicked. I admire his attention to detail and how he remembers everything, it’s impressive.

He is a very organised person who enjoys structure and precision. Our backgrounds in business are similar but different and this serves as a positive contrast allowing each of us to fill in with areas of expertise the other may not have.

With a shared curiosity for the path less trodden and a passion for serving the families we work with, our joy for what we do runs deep.”

Experience: 20+ years advising UHNW Families

“Kerstin is one of the most creative and intuitive people I’ve ever met. She has a way of reading the room and understanding people’s needs that I find truly remarkable.

I’m constantly amazed by her ideas and feel privileged to have her as my business partner. Our love and understanding of the group of families we work to support has brought us to where we are today.

We both relish the opportunities we have to work shoulder to shoulder with clients from an array of various backgrounds, cultures and nationalities.”

Experience: 25+ years in financial services.

Sub-Saharan Africa – taking a closer look

We at Amana Family Office are interested in learning more about the regions we are in touch with – in this section we aim to provide insights as well as…

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Wealth Preservation in Growth Economies

I guess we should start by explaining what a growth economy is. A growth economy is an economy that is experiencing an increase in its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and…

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Global Citizens: The Threats & Opportunities for HNW Families

Passport, residency or domicile? That is the question. High net worth (HNW) families have unique opportunities and challenges when it comes to living as global citizens. On the one hand,…

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